Wednesday, July 25
Prayer Requests for 7-25-07 posted by Karyn
Angie - Patrick is having a serrious surgery on Friday - orothopedic surgeon is going to correct the rotation of his hip/leg. Requires breaking the leg, setting it with steel plate, pins, the works. then Patrick is in a cast for 6 wks and a wheelchair after than while he recooperates. Since he is hard of hearing we're NOT sure what he'll understand about the length of the healing process and at - I think 10 yrs old- he's an active boy! So she asks we please prayer for successful surgery and proper healing.
My Aunt Carol and her kids Margi & John will be traveling down from Oregon and Idaho to see my Nana and her house the 9-13 of August - only one of the cousins' has seen Nana since the old-age senility started setting in last year so its going to be a tough visit on all of them- Nana is 87 yreas old and though in decent health, this will likely be the last time they see her this side of heaven. The cousins spent part of their childhood being raised in Nana's home and dad just sold the house so they are coming home one last time before the house is no longer in the family. Prayers for travel mercies and good memories would be appreciated!
Monday, July 16
Greetings from burning hot southern Iraq
Dear Friends and Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I received three weeks notice that I would be making this deployment before launching out. I've now been "in theater" for over a month and am not yet used to the temps of 111-124 degrees on a daily basis. The wind is blasting hot, like standing in front of a blast furnace; makes you think of the inside of the chicken ovens at Costco or SamsClub...
I have opportunities to preach and share Christ regularly. My job is a busy one in that I oversee and do ministry for an Army brigade of 3500 soldiers plus a base of other Air Force, small numbers of Navy, and civilian contractors. It all adds up to a population in this desert place of well, that's classified...
One my first nights here I counseled with a young (of course, given my age these days, almost everyone is younger than me, even my senior ranking commander!) soldier regarding his breaking marriage due to previous adulteries on his part. He was broken. He had thought about ending his life. I leveled with him, told him only God could give him the power through Christ to turn his life around. He understood. I listened in amazement and wonder as he spontaneously prayed to ask Christ into his life. If that is the only time that happens during this 15 month time in the desert, it will have made the trip worthwhile. I trust it won't be the only time.
- Please pray for safety for me and all our personnel here. Increasingly dangerous.
- Pray that God would build His church in this place through conversions and repentance.
- Pray for Marise (missed our anniversary again!) and Suzanne (16, going on 30, ouch!)
- Pray for Jon, newly commissioned in the Army as a Second Lieutenant, Armor, having finished this year at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
I should have pictures soon to post. We had pics taken the weekend before I left.
Don't listen to the bulk of the press regarding our progress of lack of it in this place. To leave prematurely would be immoral, unethical and cowardly. Those who advocate a too fast withdrawal with the result that the nation spirals into chaotic civil war are immoral cowards.
Enough of that. Long time since having any contact with any of you. I'm gratified to hear of friends walking with and living for Christ in challenging times. May we not forget that we are not our own, we have been bought with a price, and until He is done with us in this life we should not consider ourselves finished with Him.
Believe it or not, I miss you all, even after these many years.
In Christ,
I am, Yours Truly, For Our Family and My Fellow Service Members Serving the Nation
Mark Fairbrother
Chaplain in the United States Army, for the Savior
Saturday, July 14
Update on the Fairbrothers
Also - Jonathan just left to fulfil his committment with the army also. Marla said something about Jonathan is a Lt. and Mark is aChaplin with the rank of Major in their divisions. :)
In the meantime he said being far from home it would be great to get extra notes from old friends. He will have internet connection within the next 6-8 wks. In the meantime - emails can be sent to either he or Marise and he gave us permission to post their home address also. So, get out your pens and paper....and start writing...but mostly praying for both Mark and Jonathan's safety overseas.
3627 Sunchase Dr., Fayetteville, NC 82306
Thanks all!
Monday, July 2
I hope this works!
(Wedding Photo - Diane (Canadian Pen Pal of Sally's) , Malia, Lorrie, Karyn, Sally, Ed, Brad, Ed's Brother, Rod & Garrett. (added by Karyn)
I am not sure how to do this, so here we go. I found a bunch of old pictures. One dating back to the early eighties. Scary! We went on a trip to Tijuana and had the entire gang take a picture with a donkey. See who you recognize. I also have pictures from the dunk tank at church and other misc. get togethers/trips.
Ed and I will be celebrating our 20th Wedding Anniversary this month. How time flies. I'll include a picture of our wedding party, most of which were from the College and Career Group.
I am also downloading my boys' pictures, Jared 11 and Jacob 9.
Hopefully it works. If not, you are going to have to help me. I am going to send it and see where it goes!