Saturday, July 14

Update on the Fairbrothers

Marla got a note in the mail from Pastor Mark - who is now in Iraq. He says until there is a permanent mailing address to him there - notes and things can be mailed to Marise as "she is great at sending care packages" and she will make sure he gets our notes and photos.

Also - Jonathan just left to fulfil his committment with the army also. Marla said something about Jonathan is a Lt. and Mark is aChaplin with the rank of Major in their divisions. :)

In the meantime he said being far from home it would be great to get extra notes from old friends. He will have internet connection within the next 6-8 wks. In the meantime - emails can be sent to either he or Marise and he gave us permission to post their home address also. So, get out your pens and paper....and start writing...but mostly praying for both Mark and Jonathan's safety overseas.
3627 Sunchase Dr., Fayetteville, NC 82306

Thanks all!

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